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How To Nail An Interview For The Assisted Living Role You Have Always Wanted (& what not to do)

How To Nail An Interview

You know it; first impressions last. When going for an interview to fill an assisted living role, these first impressions can make or break your chances of getting the job. With this in mind, we’re going to focus on how to nail an interview and knock the ball out of the park, helping you to avoid any cringe-worthy moments.

How To Nail An Interview In Assisted Living

Set Yourself Up For Success

If you want the position on offer, be sure to put every effort into giving yourself the best chance possible to land it. 

This includes getting a decent night’s rest the night before so that you go in with a clear head; paying attention to your appearance so that it says what you want it to say about who you are professionally, and arriving on time for your interview so that your prospective employers know that you are organized and can follow instructions.

Research The Senior Living Community Thoroughly

Nailing an interview means doing sufficient research on the senior living community that you’re applying to so that you’re not stumped when the interviewer asks you what you think about the latest news article they were featured in.  

Set Yourself Up For Job Success

You might think that a simple question such as ‘do you know what our senior living community does?’ is as straight-forward as they come. However, it’s the type of question that has thrown many candidates. Talk about something extraordinary the business has done that sets them apart from other senior living communities. 

Take it a step further and suggest ways in which you can help them to become more innovative in the day-to-day running of the community.

Know Your Resume Back To Front

This is an opportunity for you to pitch yourself as someone who not only meets the requirements of the job but also has related experience that sets you apart. Keep in mind the job requirements mentioned in the advert and formulate your pitch around them. 

Any questions that the interviewer asks which are related to your resume is them assessing whether you’re a fit for the community. Prepare in advance for these questions, so that the information you provide is entirely relevant and not off on a tangent.

Mention the milestones you’ve achieved with enough detail to make sure your response is suitably tailored to the role.

Building Rapport Should Not Be Overlooked

An important point in how to nail an interview is to come across as personable. Show off your pearly whites, offer a firm handshake, and ask the interviewers how they are. You are creating a connection, and the hiring team wants to know that you are friendly and able to get on with the people you might possibly be working alongside. 

Use Real-Life Examples And Avoid The Standard ‘Yes, I Can’

How To Succeed At An Assisted Living Interview

Trust us; if the interviewer wanted a three-word answer, they would’ve asked for it. Are you hardworking? Who’s going to say no? Are you able to work longer hours? Sure, I can. Unfortunately, you’re not going to nail the interview with just that. 

Indulge the team with actual scenarios of how you’ve proven your ability to go above and beyond when the task required it. Tell them about the processes you’ve implemented and how you’ve contributed to the overall success of the previous company you’ve worked for. 

Body Language Says It All

You know how it ends – actions speak louder than words. So, to nail an interview, make sure your body language comes across confident. 

Nonverbal language makes it easy for interviewers to notice when interviewees lack confidence or are nervous. You might even have to throw in a tiny bit of fake it till you make it attitude, albeit with good judgment. 

Engage in constant eye contact, show off your great posture, try not to fidget, and leave your arrogance at the door downstairs.

Final Thoughts

There’s a fine line between nailing the interview and it going completely south. To guard against it not working in your favor, make sure you’ve done sufficient research and that you focus on both the dos and the don’ts that we have touched on. Sometimes we become so fixated on getting it right that we lose sight of what could go wrong.

You should now be clued up and know exactly how to nail an interview for the assisted living role that you have always wanted, good luck!

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